Minggu, 21 Februari 2016

Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

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Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

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After an amicable divorce, Jay Hill decided to move back to his rural hometown with his teenage kids. Being on good terms with his ex-wife and in laws has made the transition into single life pretty smooth. Things were good and uncomplicated. Then Landon Petty walked into his life. Landon didn’t expect to still be stuck in his hometown working at his dad’s sawmill at this point in his life. Being an openly gay truck driver was as awkward in practice as in description. When Jay came to take over managerial duties at his dad’s business, Landon was surprised to find a friend. When Jay turns out not to be as straight as he thought, things get complicated. When feelings for Landon shine a light on how much Jay’s life has been actually half lived, he’s forced to decide if he’ll jump in with both feet or if he’ll let Landon slip through his fingers.

Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #64538 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-15
  • Released on: 2015-10-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

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Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful. 4.5 stars for this contemporary GFY/coming out By V. Rundell of V's Reads I really enjoyed this contemporary M/M romance, which is also a GFY story.Jay Hill is the talk of his Mississippi town. He's newly divorced from his high school sweetheart, Bethany, and returned to his hometown to raise his two kids (16 y/o son and 12 y/o daughter) near their maternal grandparents. Jay and Bethany have an amicable divorce; she's realizing her career dreams by going back to college in Atlanta, and he's content to live a slower-paced life as a manager at a local lumber plant. People there don't understand how Jay and Bethany split, however, and his in-laws aren't pleased that the kids aren't being raised in a church home. And, he's tired of the churchy women he keeps getting introduced to. Scandalous!Landon Petty has been working two jobs for his father's lumber business, despite his degree in History and aspirations to teach. He's so relieved that Jay is hired to take some of the load off his shoulders, but he's not happy to find his former babysitter so god-awful attractive. Landon's gay and out to his parents, but he's very circumspect and quiet in his hometown. He takes himself three hours away for anonymous hook-ups, and it's tiring.As Jay spends more time alone, when his kids go to his in-law's for a weekend visit, he has trouble in his empty house. So, he invites Landon out to watch a football game at a local bar. They hit it off, and it's a fast friendship, one Jay and Landon really cherish.Landon keeps his attraction so quiet, but it's not long before Jay starts to see Landon in a strange (for him) new light. He enjoys their companionship, and is frightened and confused as his friendly feelings begin to turn into attraction.What I really liked about this story is the long development of the friendship and eventual breach into sex. That worked, as both men are fairly lonesome, and had developed a steady friendship. Jay is alerted to Landon's sexuality by a nasty busybody, and it flips a switch for him. Experimenting with gay porn opens new chambers in Jay's brain, unlocking memories of his childhood close friendships with boys. I really thought Jay's introspection was honest. And, I appreciated that he sought help sorting out his feelings, and was honest about it with Landon. Their candor was refreshing.Landon was a rock, even when he wanted to crumble. He said "no pressure" regarding coming out, and he meant it. And he lived it. He thrilled to every kiss or touch, and yet he was willing to walk if Jay couldn't handle it.While I was angry regarding Bethany's initial reaction to Jay and Landon, I think she redeemed herself about 90% after sleeping on it. Jay was a far stronger character in the end, than the beginning. His kids were excellently written. Seriously, I wanted to kiss Clint for being an excellent big brother and the sounding board both his parents needed.There are some fantastic sexytimes, and a beautiful, realistic relationship between two admirable, ordinary men. Expect some editing issues regarding continuity in the plot. Those mostly get smoothed over by the second half.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Left me happy sighing! By Sinfully 4.5 StarsBorrowing Trouble is the newest stand-alone M/M romance by Kade Boehme. I have really come to enjoy this author’s tales of romance and his style of writing and this particular story was the perfect balance of sweetness, angst and piping hot sexy times.Thirty-six year old Jay Hill’s marriage to his high school sweetheart, Beth, may have not worked out; however, he is bound and determined to be the stability that his two children need. He’s recently taken on a managerial position at a mill in the small town he grew up in and has set up a home for himself and his children. He’s still on great terms with his ex-wife and his son and daughter often go and stay with their mom who is pursuing her career in the city. Jay may get lonely for some adult companionship at times, but he is embracing the single life and for the first time is loving the fact that life is relaxed and uncomplicated. Jay’s bubble is burst when he comes face to face with someone who makes him question all he believes himself to be. Suddenly, Jay’s life is anything but uncomplicated.Twenty-eight year old Landon Petty has taken on more than his share of responsibility at his father’s sawmill. When his father indicates he has hired a new manager, it’s certainly a relief for Landon as some of the workload that falls on his shoulders will lessen. And, when Landon discovers the new employee will be none other than Jay Hill, he can’t help but remember the massive crush he had on him as a young teen. Jay starts at the mill and Landon is reminded just how gorgeous he is. But, it’s not like Landon can act on his feelings of lust. Right? After all, Jay is as straight as they come. He’s been married for goodness sake! He’s definitely straight as an arrow. Isn’t he?Landon and Jay develop a somewhat tentative friendship and soon discover that they get along famously and have much in common. Landon is unsure if he will always be able to keep his feelings in check when it comes to Jay and the closer they get, the harder it becomes. However, Jay is struggling with his own personal inner turmoil. He finds himself thinking more and more about Landon, and not always in a friendly platonic manner either. He simply can’t fathom how he’s reached the age of thirty-six and has never thought of another male in the way he thinks of Landon. Perhaps it the way Jay compartmentalizes everything. He’s good at shoving things into boxes putting them away on the highest shelves.I loved how Jay and Landon slowly fell into one another - the insecurities, the awkward beginning, the desire, the passion. It was all there and so realistically done. Jay struggles with all that his heart is telling him when it comes to Landon. He has no idea how to handle this new turn in his life, how he is going to handle telling his children and ex-wife. Once our two protagonists reveal how they truly feel about one another the progression of their relationship is natural and sweet despite the uncertainties. Jay is so inexperienced and I simply loved how supportive and patient Landon was. The only thing Landon is certain about is the fact that he wants Jay to be a big part of his present and his future. The pair have a few obstacles to overcome and have a bit to work out and their happy forever is not going to come super easy; however, they both know real when they see it and what they share is worth the fight.I really did enjoy reading Borrowing Trouble. It is a touching novel about embracing who you are and facing the obstacles that may stand in your way head on. Let’s face it, how many of us start lasting relationships effortlessly and flawlessly? Anything real and worth it is always going to be messy, mistakes will be made and the awkwardness is simply part of it all. When I finished the book I had a huge smile on my face. This was a wonderful, character-driven romance, a book that left me happily sighing.Reviewed by Lisa

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. B+ rating... By Smitten with Reading My Review:There's a line in the story description about this book about "things get complicated"...that is something that doesn't happen in this story. This is a straight-forward, sweet romantic story that was simply an entertaining, light read. I liked these two guys and the story of the way they connect.Jay is the conflicted character in this story. Whoa, my heart hurt for him. Until Landon, he really didn't have the first inkling that he was gay or bi or whatever...definitely not completely straight. And suddenly all the things that didn't seem quite right in his marriage suddenly makes much more sense.I loved that aspect of this story line, because I think there are guys and girls out there that may skirt the edges...maybe bi, maybe gay, but it simply never occurs to them that they could be something other than hetero because that idea never comes into play. This story takes place in small-town, rural south (I think Mississippi? I don't really remember exactly where.) But I live in small town Texas and I can guarantee you that for a lot of people here, they are in the same situation. It's just simply accepted that a person is hetero...there's no question about that being a fact. Another option never even comes to mind. And I find that's somewhat sad because I'd guess there's more people out there like Jay than most people would guess.I loved the very believable explanation for Jay and how this happened. He's a personality that doesn't like to dwell on things. He doesn't "borrow trouble" so anything that might cause waves is compartmentalized in his brain. He shoves it to the side and doesn't deal with those things. I bought it completely and wholly.So, Jay is suddenly having to deal with this whole new reality. At the same time, he's learning a new job, participating in this new relationship, and finding out about a whole new approach toward sex...this isn't a light change in his life.In the midst of all this is Landon. He's the company owner's son and he doesn't hide the fact that he's gay, but he doesn't flaunt it either. He works in a lumber mill with a lot of guys who wouldn't understand. On paper, he also works for Jay, and doesn't want to out him in this small town either. It is a complicated situation.Like I said, I enjoyed this book. I liked Jay and Landon together. Landon is a pretty laid-back personality too, so he is the perfect one to be paired up with Jay while he's sorting through the VERY complicated junk in his head...something Jay isn't used to doing.I'm a big gay-for-you fan, and this book isn't quite that, but it definitely ticked that box for me and that made it a great read in my book. I'd definitely recommend it.Also, it should be noted...I LOVE Landon's dad. He's a good old boy and most definitely isn't comfortable with the fact that Landon is gay. BUT he loves his son and IS comfortable with accepting his son regardless. I LOVED that healthy relationship they had and applaud Kade Boehme for making it like that because it would have been really easy to take it elsewhere with this story line.

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Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme
Borrowing Trouble, by Kade Boehme

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